Modern technical university does not exist without active scientific and technology activity. MPEI performs the wide spectrum of the fundamental, research, methodical and applied investigations in many scientific directions.Research1.jpg

The experimental and theoretical researches are actively fulfilled in the fields of production, transportation and distribution of heat and electric energy generated using the organic and nuclear fuel. During last years the great attention is attracted to the scientific problems solution related to effective ways of energy production by the non-traditional and renewable energy sources.

The investigations on the energetic influence on the ecology conditions of the environment are performed in MPEI.

The scientific research and development in the fields of radio electronics, optical electronics, electrical engineering, nano-technologies are carried out as well.

Research2.jpgThe great attention is attracted to investigations and problem solutions related to theimprovement of the academic process effectiveness and development of the informational technologies (the learning and checking systems, an artificial intelligence, unified educational information medium etc.).

MPEI does the large volume of research within the limits of federal scientific and technological programs, international programs (INTAS, TACIS etc.), as well as on the basis of different contracts with different Ministries, Russian and international foundations. Annually MPEI carries out research and development and design projects on the basis of the contracts with large native and foreign organizations and companies. For example, among them are the well-known Elektrosila, Gasprom, ABB, Motorola, EPRI, Samsung, Massachusetts Technological Institute, Berkley University etc.

MPEI students actively participate in scientific researches. Lots of their developments were awarded with the medals of Russian Academy of Sciences, the diplomas and medals of Russian Government, RAO “Russian EES”, OAO Mosenergo etc

Four academicians and five correspondence-member of Russian Academy of Sciences work in MPEI together with the academicians of the other Academies of Sciences, 39 Honored Science Workers of Russia, more than 1400 Doctors of Sciences and Doctors of Philosophy.
During the last 10 years 70 MPEI scientists were rewarded with prizes of Russian President, Russian State and Russian Governments. MPEI scientists had got 227 guard certificates on the created intellectual property. MPEI scientific achievements were awarded by the medals of the international exhibitions in Brussels, Hanover, London, Madrid and Moscow.

An innovation activity becomes a new direction in our university lately. On the basis of the MPEI science-park the innovation-technological center as well as the Russian-Chinese technological park were established. The Scientific-Technological Center of energy saving technology works actively. There are Center on Gyromagnetic Electronics, Scientific Center of Wear-Resistance Improvement of Power Engineering Equipment, Center of High Technologies, Center of Geothermal Energetic, Center of New Technologies in Radio Engineering and Telecommunications, Center of Thermal Research Automation, Center of Control Problems in Energy Saving, Center of Global Problems of Energetic and others. MPEI has its own industrial base. MPEI Pilot-Plant takes the orders on producing the experimental and high-tech equipment, devices and educational installations for the education process.

MPEI scientists participate actively in the international scientific conferences. Many conferences are held in MPEI and became traditional for the world-wide science.
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