
Lecturers’ courses and studies in Arabic in framework of project for creation resource centers abroad


​The courses carried out by MPEI in the framework of a project for creation of Russian education resource centers abroad, organized for teachers of Physics of partner schools, had entered their midway. They drew the interest of eight lecturers: 2 from Mongolia, 2 from Turkey, 2 from Kyrgyzstan, 1 from Tajikistan and 1 from Moldova.​​​

​Two remote and five extramural classes of two academic hours were conducted. The topics touched were: “Fundamentals of pedagogical skills", "Techniques of public speaking", "The art of presentation making", "Features of course organization in different formats”, “Implementation of SMC of Physics in study” etc.​​​

​The last qualification raising class that passed on Sunday, 6 December, was attended by 6 teachers from 4 countries. The сlass was given by Maksim Silaev, Ph.D., senior lecturer of the Departments of Theoretical Fundamentals of Electrical Engineering and Electric Power Systems.​The first part of the meeting was dedicated to discussion of SMC in Physics that was developed by MPEI employees Vladimir Tulskiy, Maksim Silaev and Alexander Tarasov for students of 9-11 grades of resource centers. Teachers shared their ideas of further implementation of SMC and spoke about the successful practice of using it. The second part of the course was given in a form of game in the topic “Technologies of education”. The teachers generated their ideas, and put their effort in studying personalisation, gaming, active and problem teaching. All the participants positively received the form of carrying out the class and recommended to efficiently continue the course within it.​​​

​Apart from the teacher training, MPEI started a cycle of educational presentations at a Syrian school-partner. The presentations in Arabic were conducted by the assistant of the Department of Theoretical Bases of Heat Engineering, Ravad Deeb. Due to his efforts, very soon students from Syria, along with other partner schools, will become acquainted with the main sections of the educational program in Physics developed by MPEI.​​​

About the projects​​​

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