
The ceremony of delivery of diploma "MPEI Honorary Doctor" to Dietrich Moeller, President of Siemens company in Russia


International Administration informs that on the 28th of April, 2017 during the meeting of MPEI Academic Council the ceremony of delivery of diploma "MPEI Honorary Doctor" to the citizen of Germany Dietrich Moeller was held.
The nomination of Mr. Moeller was proposed to get the honorary title "MPEI Honorary Doctor" by Dept. of Information-Measuring Technique for his contribution to development of cooperation between MPEI and German universities and companies in the field of science and education.

Mr. Dietrich Gunnar Moeller is President of Siemens company in Russia and Vice-president of Siemens AG concern, Germany.

As the result of Mr. Dietrich Moeller support, there are successfully developed the communications and MPEI projects with various German universities. Thus, students-participants of double diploma program MPEI – TU Ilmenau got grants for participation in the TU Ilmenau summer schools and annual training in Master's programme in Germany, by means of the special project «Siemens» there were financially supported travels of the German professors for lectureship at MPEI, there were provided the areas for students' practice at the Siemens enterprises in Moscow and Germany, there was received the multimedia and server hardware to perform online classes, in the Siemens headquarters in Moscow with the company assistance there took place the class reunion of the program, Siemens staff give lectures for many years and they give classes at "German engineering department MPEI – TU Ilmenau". Totally more than 1000 MPEI students participated in this program, and 160 persons of them gained the second diploma – the diploma of Ilmenau University of Technology.
With the assistance of Mr. Moeller, the Fund of professor Riedle (the laureate of "Global Energy" award) is focused on support for MPEI students. The fund annually allocates several semestrial grants for MPEI students and staff for training at University of Erlangen-Nuremberg; the Siemens Company increases this quantity and it provides the area for training at the enterprises in Erlangen. As the result of this program 19 MPEI students and staff were trained in Germany, during the semester 18 students got additional grants in Moscow, and 7 students and the staff of the German university visited MPEI.
As the result, the laboratory equipment was delivered there and since 2008 the training courses on Siemens electrically operated machines have been arranged. The same year there was delivered the equipment in laboratory of Dept. of Automated Control Systems for Thermal Processes.

Mr. Moeller constantly visited MPEI, he participated in lectures for MPEI students and professors, he was the guest speaker at conferences and symposiums of our University.

Among the ceremony participants there were Martin Gitzels, director of the Department of corporate technologies of SIEMENS company, Maria Kadantseva, Assistant in projects of German Houses of Research and Innovation (DWIH) in Moscow and Yvonne Klomke, lecturer of the German Academic Exchange Service DAAD.



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